Sunday, March 21, 2021

Iran Unveils "Missile City"; Threatens Israel Over Ship Blast | Watchman Newscast

March 15, 2021 | Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down important recent developments in the Middle East, including: 1) Iran says it has "the right to retaliate" to an explosion last week aboard one of its cargo ships in the Mediterranean--the latest volley in the "Tanker Wars" between Israel and Iran. 2) Israel unveils a groundbreaking new mortar called "Iron Sting" that has incredible accuracy. 3) An Israeli Major General says Hezbollah will hit Israel with 2,000 missiles and rockets per day in the next war. 4) Iran just released footage of an underground "missile city" that showed rows of cruise and ballistic missiles and "electronic warfare" equipment.  #Israel #Iran #IronSting 

ERICK STAKELBECK: Today on the newscast, "The Tanker Wars" continue as Iran blames Israel for yet another explosion at sea, and vows to retaliate, plus, Iran unveils a new missile city, while Israel debuts a groundbreaking new weapon. The Middle East never sleeps get all the breaking news.  

Hey folks, Erick Stakelbeck here, welcome to 'The Watchman Newscast". Yet  another  very busy weekend in the Middle East. We have an update for you on, "The Tanker Wars", the ongoing sabotage at sea between Israel and Iran. Today, on March 15th,  an Iranian official said, that Iran has the right to respond to the latest in this series of explosions aboard cargo ships, this one came last week, aboard an Iranian cargo ship, in the Mediterranean Sea. There was no major damage caused, but there was an explosion aboard this Iranian ship, and now the Iranian regime says they have the right to respond.

Now a little bit of background here folks, on Friday, March 12th, newscast, we told you about a wall street journal report last week, saying that, Israel has targeted at least 12 Iranian vessels at sea over the past two years. Now, these Iranian ships were reportedly carrying oil and weapons to Iran's close ally, Syria, and the Assad regime.  Israel's concern is that not only will the weapons be used by terror organizations like Hezbollah to target Israelis, but also that the profits from the oil will go to fund terrorist acts and terrorist organizations.  So, Israel reportedly has taken action using mines to harm these Iranian vessels. None of them has been sunk, there have been no casualties. At least two of the Iranian ships have had to turn back and head to Iran, but Israel clearly sending a message, and yet another  reportedly explosion in the Mediterranean last week. Now Iran is calling for retaliation, the thing is you could say, that Iran has already retaliated in a sense.

We've told you, here in the newscast, about the "MV Helios Ray", that's the Israeli-owned cargo ship, that was struck by what the Israelis believe was an Iranian mine just last month on February, 25th, in the gulf of Oman, so this is going back and forth. Now the war at sea, the shadow war at sea, you could call it, "The Tanker War". Many of these Iranian vessels were apparently carrying oil, but this continues now. Iran is vowing retaliation, it's a bit of a new front, I guess you would say, the front at sea between Israel and Iran, and now, cargo ships being targeted on a regular basis. We will continue to keep an eye on this for you. 

In the meantime Israel unveils a what they're calling, a groundbreaking new weapon this weekend it is called, "Iron Sting", not to be confused with Iron Dome, The anti-missile defense system. "Iron Sting" is a mortar, and the Israel Defense Forces say, it is groundbreaking, because of its accuracy it can be used in urban warfare and limit the amount of civilian casualties.

Remember, Hamas and Hezbollah, they're all about urban warfare, fighting in close quarters in urban areas among civilians. They do it intentionally to all the pro-Hamas and Hezbollah commenters out there who praise them as freedom fighters. These are people who intentionally use women and children as human shields.  Israel has very strict rules of engagement many times they will turn back,  they do not want to harm civilians. Hamas and Hezbollah don't care about human life, so they have no hesitation in putting women and children in front of them, and seeing them dead. That's who they are folks they are terrorists, they are not freedom fighters.

You know, I'll never forget being on the Lebanon border a few years ago. I've been there many times, but on the Israel-Lebanon border, and that's where Hezbollah lives and breathes, right there in southern Lebanon along Israel's northern border. It's a beautiful countryside there, it truly is, but you wouldn't know what's lurking beneath in those homes in southern Lebanon. I was with a former Israeli intelligence analyst who agreed, he said, "It looks beautiful right,  but inside those homes are Hezbollah fighters, who have literally taken over those civilian homes, and store weapons, rocket missiles, in those homes, in southern Lebanon. So that's what Israel is dealing with, and because they have such strict rules of engagement, and because they actually have regard for human life, they are developing weapons that will severely limit and reduce any possibility of civilian  casualties.

Iran on the other hand, and Hezbollah on the other hand again, no hesitation in killing civilians an Israeli major general said just today at a conference in Israel today Monday March 15th, that in the next conflict with Hezbollah here on the newscast we've called the great northern war the coming great northern war in that conflict Hezbollah Iran's most lethal proxy based in southern Lebanon from that base will be able to target Israel with some 2,000 rockets and missiles per day in the next conflict.

Now, folks rewind to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. Hezbollah did have that volume of rockets and missiles launched at Israel on a daily basis, many probably hundreds per day, that was enough to essentially shut down a large area of northern Israel. Israelis were living in bomb shelters for weeks, great cities like, Qiryat Shemona in northern Israel. Israelis were driven underground into bomb shelters because of this constant barrage of Hezbollah rockets raining down. Well at this time around obviously since 2006, Hezbollah has more than replenished that rocket and missile stockpile. According to most estimates, at least 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at every inch of Israel, so this time around 2,000 per day. This major general heads up the Israeli home front command this is their main task to defend the home front and to prepare for future conflicts like this.

Again, folks, this is coming, these missiles and rockets from Hezbollah, will intentionally, target Israeli civilians, they have no rules of engagement to terrorist organizations, so that is coming. It will put Israel against Hezbollah, and the Iranian Regime to the north in southern Lebanon, and in Syria. It's a question not of if, but when. No one wants to see it come, but we are realistic the Israelis Israeli officials, that I've interviewed are certainly realistic about this. That day of reckoning is coming to Israel's north with Hezbollah and the Iranian Regime.

In the meantime, along those lines, Iran, also again a busy few days right. Today, Monday, March 15th, big news, coming out today, out of the Middle East. Iran unveiled a "Missile City", featuring, basically the footage released by the Iranian revolutionary guards corps, which is the elite vanguard of the Iranian Regime. Right now, they control the nuclear weapons program that finances much of the weaponry the missile program. I compare them to the Gestapo under the Nazi Regime, but perhaps even more influential is the Iranian revolutionary guards corps.  They unveiled this, "Missile City", featuring those on the footage, they released of missiles cruise missiles rockets tools for what they say are is electronic warfare as well.

This is not a novelty folks, Iran over the past, probably the past six or seven months, has released several videos showing what they call, "Missile Cities". Now, apparently these are underground "Missile Cities", and many of them reportedly dot Iran's Persian Gulf coastline.

Now folks, if you think none of this matters, the middle east is thousands of miles away from where you live, it does not affect you. Think again, because what happens in the Middle East does not stay in the Middle East. Events unfolding in that region, right now, will profoundly affect all of us, no matter where we live. Look no further than a story we reported last week here on the newscast. The Houthi rebels in Yemen Iran backed of course, targeting Saudi oil facilities. 

Now, you take some of those Saudi oil facilities offline you will have a major, major increase in gas prices. In the United States where I live, and really around the world, it will have a profound impact on the "Global Economy".  Remember, we are all interconnected, right now, to the economically across the globe for better or for worse, and such an attack can have a major, major, ripple effect, around the world. 

So, we need to be concerned about this, you know the Bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge, that's why we do what we do here at "The Watchmen Newscast", we try to be watchmen on the wall for you for such a time as this, and we really truly appreciate you tuning in every day  Monday through Friday.

We will continue to lift Israel up in our prayers, but before I leave, be encouraged. I know we're talking about wars and rumors of wars, and  that's what the gospel of Matthew talked about, in these days that we are living, but God Almighty still sits on the throne.  I say it every single day here on the newscast,  but I just want to remind you God is on the Throne, he's covering his people, and He will cover His land, the land of Israel, because He neither slumbers, nor sleeps. Be encouraged, stay true to the Lord, keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and I'm praying for all of you, and I appreciate all of you here at "The Watchman Newscast". So, until tomorrow "God Bless You" and remember "Never Hold Your Peace".  

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