Thursday, May 26, 2022


What is the greatest gift that God has given to the world? So, instead of abandoning us or retaliating against us, he offers us a gift, the best gift that has ever been given: his Son, crucified and raised to life again. And he promises he will reign over us in an eternal kingdom that is far better than any of us could ever ask for or imagine.

When did we receive the Holy Spirit? In the book of the Acts of the Apostles the arrival of the Holy Spirit happens fifty days after the resurrection of the Christ, and is celebrated in Christendom with the feast of Pentecost.

Why is the Holy Spirit a gift to believers? Jesus gave us the greatest gift that any Christian could imagine. The Holy Spirit, the counselor, the Spirit of God himself; the spirit of truth would come to guide the disciples and to guide all Christians.

Why is the Holy Spirit called a gift? As a gift, the Holy Spirit is not deserved or earned. He is not given as a reward, perhaps for being good and faithful, or for achieving or attaining a high degree of holiness, but rather to empower or enable attainment of these. However, the Holy Spirit, being a gift, means that He has to be accepted to be owned.

What is the Holy Spirit's greatest gift to us? Through the Holy Ghost we may know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that His Church has been restored to the earth. We may have the promptings of the Holy Ghost to show us all the things we should do (see 2 Nephi 32:5).

How do you receive the Holy Spirit? The path to receiving the Holy Ghost is to exercise faith in Christ unto repentance. We can become clean through qualifying for the effects of the Savior's Atonement. The covenants offered in baptism by authorized servants of God bring that cleansing.

How do I receive the Holy Spirit into my life? Ask for God's forgiveness for your sins. 1 John 1:8 says, "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." If you want to feel God's presence—the Holy Spirit—in your life, you'll have to admit those sins to God, ask for His forgiveness, and repent, or commit to doing better in the future.

What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon you? Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power that comes from the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God.

What is the Holy Spirit in simple terms? Definition of Holy Spirit is the presence of God as part of a person's religious experience: I felt the Holy Spirit in the room with me, leading and guiding me in prayer. Christianity. Also called Holy Ghost, the third person of the Trinity: I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What is the gift of the Holy Spirit? The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord

What are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit? The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: “charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity.”

What are the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit and their meanings? These abilities, often termed "charismatic gifts", are the word of knowledge, increased faith, the gifts of healing, the gift of miracles, prophecy, the discernment of spirits, diverse kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues.

How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit used? The gift of the Holy Spirit, counsel, helps us to change things to the way they should be. Counsel helps us to make good judgements and giving good advice. It helps us to change things from bad to good. This gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to lead others in doing what is right and good. 

What is an example of the Holy Spirit helping you in your life? He gives us power, love, and self-discipline. Power can be many things backed up by the Holy Spirit, such as boldness to preach the gospel and power to perform healing miracles. Love given by the Holy Spirit is obvious when we have the heart to love others the way Jesus would.

How do the gifts of the Holy Spirit effect our lives? It helps us to change things from bad to good. This gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to lead others in doing what is right and good. The gift of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, can help us know what is important and what needs to be done. For example, not judging someone by something you "think" but you are not sure about.

How can you recognize the Spirit's action in your life? "The only way you can recognize Spirit is by showing up and being present. Moment to moment, our attitude determines our altitude, and self-inventory of your consciousness helps too. If you are present, loving, and at peace, it is your spirit.

How can I make the best use of what God has given me? Discover Your God-given Gifts:

Prayer: Matthew 7:7 tells us to ask, seek and knock. We can pray about and seek out our talents. 

Asking Others: Asking others can also give us an idea about our talents. 

Pay Attention to What You Enjoy: What activities do you enjoy?

Practice: Talents do not develop overnight.

Do we need to thank God for all the gifts that we have received from him? We do, however, thank God for everything wholesome and godly. God is the author of every good gift we experience in life and we thank him for these gifts. The Bible says, "give thanks in all circumstances ... " (1 Thessalonians 5:16). God's Word also teaches us to "rejoice in the Lord always ... " (Philippians 4:4).

What happens if you don't use your spiritual gifts? It is possible to be sinfully careless or indifferent and not use the gifts God has given us. The gift (ability) may still be present, but lack of use may hinder its development, as well as its usefulness and productivity.

What you are is God's gift to you, what you make of yourself with God's grace is your gift to God! “What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” “It is to the Cross that the Christian is challenged to follow his Master: no path of redemption can make a detour around it.”