Thursday, September 19, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 40 - KNOWLEDGE – BLOOD – AUTHORITY – CHANGE

There is a parallel sequence of events that are necessary to accomplish CONFESS – REPENT – BREAK – CAST – DISCIPLINE.

First, you need to obtain knowledge. You must have a working knowledge of the Bible and DELIVERANCE. You need to be a workman who is not ashamed of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. You can learn DELIVERANCE from teaching, ministry, counseling, studying, experience, etc.

Second, you need to get right with God and get your sins under the Blood of Jesus so that you will be cleansed.

Third, now that you are forgiven by God, you have the right to take authority over all the authority of the enemy and break curses and soul ties.

Fourth, it is necessary to change your life: the way you think and act.


The greatest need in the Christian life is the need for repentance; forgiveness is a major part of repentance.

The basic method we use is to find out what a person or their ancestors or others did that affected their life. Then, we get the person to confess and repent about these actions. Then, demonic ties are broken and demons are cast out. Finally, we counsel the person about disciplining their mind and body.

We have used this method successfully in our ministry for many years after God showed us this truth. It is easy to visualize when you realize that God thought it was so important that He died for our sins so that we could be forgiven when we repent. See Matthew 18:15-35 about how to deal with others when they offend us.

One of my pet peeves is the ministers who are unwilling to fully confront sin by teaching, ministry and counseling. These same ministers try to confess and repent for others rather than getting those guilty of sin to repent. What good do you think it accomplishes when the person is still guilty of that sin and has not repented or forgiven the one that hurt them? If the demons leave, they have a right to come back because of unbroken demonic ties, and unconfessed sin and iniquity.

We have worked with people at camp in mass DELIVERANCE, and then the next day worked with someone in individual DELIVERANCE. We find that person not to have repented in mass DELIVERANCE but repents in individual DELIVERANCE. The demons do not leave in mass DELIVERANCE but leave in individual DELIVERANCE because of repentance brought about by individual counseling.


1. What is sin and the standard against sin? – Sin is the thought or deed we commit that is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. The standard that is used to judge sin is the Holy Inspired Word of God, The Bible.

2. Who do we commit sin against? – I Cor. 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. The results of our sins affect ourselves and others. We sin upward against God, outward against others, inward against ourselves and downward against our descendants.

3. How do we sin against God? – We sin against God by disobedience to the commandments and precepts of the whole Bible.

4. How do we sin against others? – We sin against others by doing something to them that is contrary to the Bible. First, see what is a sin in the Bible. Second, that would be a sin against others. For example, the spreading of lies about another person is sin. We are telling lies which is a sin against God and it is also hurting another person.

5. How do we sin against ourselves? – I Cor. 6:18 He that commits fornication sins against his own body . Every other sin that man does is outside of the body except for fornication.

6. How do we sin against our descendants? – We sin against our descendants either directly or indirectly. We can directly sin against our children or indirectly against our children’s children to the tenth generation. For example, we conceive a bastard. It is a sin against that child, our other children and our children’s children to the tenth generation. The curse, created by conceiving a bastardy, will bring problems and grief: primarily alienation from the church and conceiving bastards generation after generation.

7. Who forgives sins? – Only God can forgive sin by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. We can remit (send away) sins and retain (hold fast) sins (John 20:23). What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven; what you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven (Matt. 16:19; 18:18). Other passages are judging others (I Cor. 5:1-5), forgive in the sight of Christ (II Cor. 2:10) and Christ speaking in me (II Cor. 13:3).

8. Who confesses sins? – We confess our sins and the sins of our ancestors, and humble ourselves before God (Lev. 26:40-42). Earline has a testimony about how God healed her heart after she dealt with her Indian ancestors. God gave her a series of steps about how to counteract the sins of her ancestors who worshiped demons. The ideal is to have the descendants forgive their ancestors (especially their parents). The most sure method is for the person to forgive those who have hurt them or committed acts which affect their lives.

9. What do we do after our sins are forgiven? – First, we get our sins forgiven and we forgive others for sinning against us. We then have the right to break curses, soul ties and cast out the demons. Second, we break the curses on ourselves, our mate if he or she is affected, and our descendants. We can break curses placed on us by others, curses placed on us by ourselves, and curses placed on our descendants by ourselves. Third, we break soul ties brought about by sexual sin and witchcraft. Fourth, we cast out the demons that came in through sin and curses. Fifth, we go and sin no more.


The traditional church and most of the other churches (full gospel, Pentecostal, charismatic, glossolalia, evangelistic) believe that the job is finished when the person repents. That is spiritual fantasy. Repentance means that God has forgiven us, and given us the authority to continue to clean our houses: souls and bodies. We need to eradicate, as much as possible, the evidences of sin in ourselves.

We must break curses on ourselves and our descendants to keep the curse from continuing and repeating the same sins. We need to break soul ties with those we have had sex with other than our only legitimate mate (which is a godly soul tie). We need to break soul ties with anyone who has exercised an ungodly control over us. We need to get rid of demonic objects in our living quarters and on our being.


Lord, I repent of my wickedness. I turn away from my sins, transgressions, iniquity and idols. I make supplication to you. I do not want to perish in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I forgive all others for anything they have done to me. I am sorry for my sins and mistakes.

Help me to have faith in God necessary to accomplish this prayer. Help me to have works that follow my conversion. Help me to hold fast to my salvation and be zealous for the Lord.

I believe the Gospel and accept it in simple childlike faith. I accept all of the benefits of being baptized with water. I will bring forth Fruits of the Spirit. I will quit being double minded about my sins. I will tell others of my salvation. I will rebuke my brother/sister and then forgive him/her. I will be baptized when I am converted. I will do these things as the Holy Spirit leads and with the help of God.

Thank you that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. Thank you for your gifts, calling and salvation. Thank you that all of these blessings have been provided for me. All these things I ask in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.

~Bits and Pieces of Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody

Deliverance Prayers - Day 39 - SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, MIGHT AND FORCE

Many Christians act as if there was no force in the spiritual world either good or evil. They may act as if God had no power or would not exercise that power in the lives of men. They may act as if Satan had no power or could not exercise that power over them.

God is all powerful, all knowing and all present – omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. God exercises those qualities in our lives whether we realize it or not.

Satan is the second most powerful being in the universe, only second to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He and his forces can do demonic miracles to fool men. Except for Jesus Christ on our side, we are powerless before him. With Jesus Christ on our side, we have all power over the enemy.

You may act as if Satan was a buffoon or wore a red suit with a tail and carried a pitchfork. You need to know your enemy. It is Satan and his forces, not man, that is causing you problems. Satan has one-third of the angels, billions of demons and about 98% of the human race in his army. We don’t need to fear this mighty enemy but we need to respect his power and learn how to overcome the enemy’s army.


What do you worship and what is important in your life; this is a key to your ties.

Demonic ties can be caused by parents abusing their children causing them to try to please their parents and get their acceptance for the rest of their adult lives. They can be caused by weak effeminate men and strong domineering women improperly raising their children. Ties can be caused by false religions or religious leaders. Addictions are a type of tie to drugs, alcohol, food, etc. Children can have demonic ties with their parents as well as godly ties.

You can be tied to your enemies because of your hatred and inability to release them from their sins against you. You can be tied to worldly systems of religion, family, occupation, education, recreation, etc. You can be tied to races, cultures and creeds. You can be tied to doctors and hospitals for treatment of body and mind. You can be tied to yourself through selfishness and only thinking about your needs. You can be tied to traditions of your elders or churches.

You can be tied to medium spirits which guide your life or to your own demons that you submit to. Familiar spirits following the descendants after the ancestor’s sins could be a type of tie. You can even be tied to someone that has died. You can be tied to the Devil through occult, witchcraft and Satan worship. You can be tied to demons that you have sex with.


We have cut a covenant with Jesus Christ. He has given us all of His Benefits and we have given Him all of our life. This is a blood covenant founded on the Blood of Jesus Christ. This is a very serious agreement and should not be taken lightly.

Beauty is a symbolic name given to one of the two staves which symbolized the Lords’ covenant with the seed of Jacob, and the brotherhood of Israel and Judah. I would say that this word symbolizes the good things that God will do for us.

Bands is a symbolic name given to the other of the two staves mentioned above. Strong’s Concordance lists the following for bands: twisted rope, measuring line, inheritance, noose, cord, tied together, ruin, destruction, pain, pang, snare, sorrow. I would say that this word symbolizes the bad things that God will do to us. It could also mean that God sets a measuring line for us not to go past and that is our inheritance in Him. If we exceed His limits, then we face ruin, destruction, pain, pang, snare and sorrow. We could be twisted like a rope, have a noose around our neck and tied together with a cord.

David agreed with Jonathan to be his brother. They treated each other as if they were blood brothers. This agreement lasted after the dead of Jonathan. David was obligated to care for the descendants of Saul and Jonathan. David lived up to his agreement. Are you living up to your agreement with God?


“Father, I pray that you would forgive me of sex with demons, rape, fornication , adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, or anything else that would cause me to have a soul tie through demonic sex. Forgive me for having demonic objects in my home or office, and for having demonic ties to them. I forgive those who would try to control me through witchcraft, parental control after marriage, control by church leaders, or anyone who would try to control my God-given freewill. Forgive me for trying to control others. Forgive me for making covenants and brotherhoods, for taking oaths binding me to others, and for any unholy allegiance. Forgive me for cursing myself, family, church, nation and God.

Father, thank you for godly soul ties and my covenant with you. Please strengthen Your System in my life. Help me to cleanse my soul and body, and have a right spirit. Give me spiritual strength, might and force to do your work.

I now break all ungodly soul ties to humans, demonic ties to objects or animals, curses, bondage, witchcraft, bands, and yokes. I command all demons that came in with these ties and curses to leave me. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.”

~Bits and Pieces of the Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody

Deliverance Prayers - Day 38 - EASY BELIEVEISM

In the traditional church, there is a tendency to simply get the people to join the church. You can join the church as you would join a social club and with the same effect. In the full-gospel church, there is a tendency to simply get the people to accept Christ on their terms. You have to accept Christ on His terms not on your terms or that church’s terms. There is no way to Christ and His salvation without repenting and confessing your sins.

The Roman’s Road to Salvation: Romans 3:23, 6:23a, 5:8, 6:23b and 10:9, 13 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. For the wages of sin is death. But God commandeth His love toward us; in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. That, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Easy believeism is leading people to Hell. There is only one way to God through Jesus Christ and in accordance with The Holy Word Of God.

Easy repentance is leading people to stay in bondage. Unless the repentance is acceptable to God by the Bible, the person is deceived and will remain in bondage although he may think he is free. Many people are being deceived by ministers and lay Christians by telling them they are free when they are still in bondage. The sad part of this charade is that you see people leaving the church and going back out into the world when their lives are not working out as told to them by others who should know better. These former church goers may end up in Hell.

To repent means to be penitent, to be eased, to comfort self, to turn back. This means to change your heart, disposition, mind, purpose or conduct. If we do not repent, then we are in rebellion against God.

When God repented, He changed his mind. He would alter a course of action planned for his people when they repented and changed their course of action. He never changed his mind from punishing sin. I Sam. 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.

“Repentance with reference to sin is not so prominent as that change of mind or purpose, out of pity for those who have been affected by one’s action, or in whom the result of the action have not fulfilled expectations, a repentance attributed both to God and to man.” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words).

To repent means to be careful or concerned with, to have another mind, a change of mind, or not to be careful or concerned with. We are not to repent or change our purpose about gifts, calling and salvation. We perceive our sin, and change our mind and purpose for the better in Christ. We regret our sins and repent to God.

“The subject chiefly has reference to repentance from sin, and this change of mind involves both a turning from sin and a turning to God. The parable of the prodigal son is an outstanding illustration of this. Christ began His ministry with a call to repentance to the individual.” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words).


Any sin in your life will keep you from the full blessings of God that you would receive in the areas of mental, physical, spiritual and material. There will be confusion in the mind, disease in the body, problems in the spiritual life, and poverty in the financial area.

If you have sin in your life, you have opened the door for Satan and his demons to attack you, your family and your church. Sin is a crack in your armor whether known or unknown to you. You or your ancestors have invited Satan to come into your life and work havoc.

The Bible is a book of blessings and curses. Every verse you obey carries a blessing; every verse you disobey carries a curse. If you obey half of the Bible, you are half blessed and half cursed.

It is your choice what you do; God didn’t make you as a robot. You have a free will given by the Lord. You choose to go to Heaven or you choose to go to Hell. You choose to live the abundant life or you choose to live the life in poverty here on earth. Jesus has finished His work; it is up to you now.


Lord, I repent of my wickedness. I turn away from my sins, transgressions, iniquity and idols. I make supplication to you. I do not want to perish in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I forgive all others for anything they have done to me. I am sorry for my sins and mistakes.

Help me to have faith in God necessary to accomplish this prayer. Help me to have works that follow my conversion. Help me to hold fast to my salvation and be zealous for the Lord.

I believe the Gospel and accept it in simple childlike faith. I accept all of the benefits of being baptized with water. I will bring forth Fruits of the Spirit. I will quit being double minded about my sins. I will tell others of my salvation. I will rebuke my brother/sister and then forgive him/her. I will be baptized when I am converted. I will do these things as the Holy Spirit leads and with the help of God.

Thank you that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. Thank you for your gifts, calling and salvation. Thank you that all of these blessing have been provided for me. All these things I ask in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.

Deliverance Prayers - Day 37 - FORGIVENESS

Forgiveness is hard to give because it hurts to extend it to undeserving and hard-hearted ones. To release a wrong-doer instead of exacting a just penalty requires that we reach out in love, rejecting the temptation to hold bitterness and resentment. This is contrary to our natural inclinations, thus the old adage,”To err is human, to forgive divine”.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the wrong done; some hurts are so deep that this would be impossible. We can forget the anger and hurt we felt, but the act is branded in our minds. Forgiveness takes place when the victim accepts the loss and/or injury done him and deliberately cancels the debt owed him by the offending person.

Anger must be dealt with openly and honestly, not denied or ignored. Either it must be vented in retaliation or the injured party must accept his own anger, bear the burden of it, and confess it in prayer to release himself and to set the other party free. Revenge always hurts the revenger far more than the one at whom it is leveled.

In other words , our pattern must be the grievous and substitutionary death of Christ. He willingly received all the hurt and evil of the entire human race in His own body on the tree (I Peter 2:21-24) to pay the debt for our guilt.

He now offers what He has wrought as a free gift to undeserving and guilty persons so they can be free (Rom. 6:23; John 10:28-30).

As nothing else will, forgiveness takes us into the mysteries of grace where God forgives unconditionally on the basis of the substitutionary payment by another
(Mark 11:25-26).

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit’s work in a life is the quality of meekness. It is a quality which is nurtured and abetted by practicing forgiveness.

This highly prized quality will cause us to be able to accept God’s dealings with us as good, without disputing or resisting them. Meekness will also cause us to be able to “bear one another’s burden’s” cheerfully and for Jesus’ sake, enabling us to enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings.

Because unforgiveness, and the resentment and bitterness and what it generates is so deadly, it is not optional, but necessary that it be dealt with. Cancer and arthritis spirits definitely root into this fertile ground. To be bitter and unforgiving costs far more than it is worth.


“Forgiveness”, p. 34, Conquering The Hosts Of Hell, by Win Worley.

Psa. 85:2 (Forgiven iniquity and covered sin – God)

Psa. 86:5 (Ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy – God)

Psa. 103:3 & 12 (Forgiveth all & removed as far as east from west – God)

Isa. 1:18 (Sins shall be as white as snow – God)

Isa. 43:25 (Blotteth out and will not remember – God)

Matt. 5:44 (Forgive your enemies.)

Matt. 6:14-15 (Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man)

Matt. 18:21-35 (Law of Forgiveness – man)

Mark 11:25-26 (Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man)

Luke 17:3-4 (Rebuke man and forgive seven times a day – man)

Eph. 4:32 (King, tenderhearted, forgiving as God does – man)

Col. 2:13 (Forgiven you all trespasses – God)

Col. 3:12-13 (Mercies, kindness, humbleness, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing and forgiving one another – man)

Heb. 8:12 (Merciful to unrighteous and remember not sins – God)

Heb. 10:17 (Remember not sins and iniquities – God)

I John 1:9 (Confessing, forgiveness, cleansing from unrighteousness)

~Bits and Pieces of the Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody


Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before You asking You to heal me. It is written that the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if I have committed sins, I will be forgiven. I let go of all unforgiveness, resentment, anger, and bad feelings toward anyone.

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I desire to be in good health. I seek the truth that will make me free—both spiritually and naturally (good eating habits, medications if necessary, and appropriate rest and exercise). You bought me with a price, and I desire to glorify You in my body and my spirit—they both belong to You.

Thank You, Father, for sending Your Word to heal me and deliver me from all my destructions. Jesus, You are the Word Who became flesh and dwelt among us. You bore my griefs (pains) and carried my sorrows (sickness). You were pierced through for my transgressions and crushed for my iniquities, the chastening for my well-being fell upon You, and by Your scourging I am healed.

Father, I give attention to Your words and incline my ear to Your sayings. I will not let them depart from my sight, but I will keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life and health to my whole body.

Father, You pardon all my iniquities; You heal all my diseases; You redeem my life from the pit; You crown me with loving-kindness and compassion; You satisfy my years with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Since the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, He Who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to my mortal body through His Spirit Who dwells in me.

Thank You that I will prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers. Amen.

Scripture References:

James 5:15 nkjv Isaiah 53:4,5 nas
1 Corinthians 6:19,20 Proverbs 4:20-22 nas
John 8:32 Psalm 103:3-5 nas
Psalm 107:20 Romans 8:11 nkjv
John 1:14 3 John 2

©2013 Germaine Copeland and Word Ministries, Inc.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 36 - CHRISTIANS

Christians are to: Bring back or help enemy’s ox; love thy neighbor as thyself; feed enemy; resist not evil; turn other cheek; give cloak also; go two miles; lend; give to him that hostess; love enemies; bless them that curse; do good; pray for them; be perfect; have peace; overcome evil; provide honest things; give place to wrath; be a blessing; pitiful; courteous and compassionate.

Christians are not to: Forbear helping enemy; hate; rebuke; sin upon neighbor; avenge; bear grudge; recompense evil; be false witness; deceive; do so to him; render evil accordingly; grieve brother at meat of idol’s; obtain vengeance; be bitter, and render railing for railing.

Vengeance means punishment, to retaliate, avenge, revenge, carrying justice out, punisher, justice and judgement.

Repay means recompense, render, pay, command and grant. Have you done these things?

List of Scriptures

Ex. 23:4-5 (Help enemy’s oxen)

Lev. 19:17-18 (Not hate, rebuke, sin, avenge, grudge but love)

Deut. 32:35 (To God belongs vengeance and recompense)

Prov. 20:22 (No recompense), 24:28-29 (No repaying), 25:21-22 (Feed enemy; coals of fire)

Matt. 5:38-48 (Love your enemies)

Mark 9:50 (Have peace one with another)

Rom. 12:17-21 (Vengeance is God’s and do not grieve brother over 14:14-19 food of idols)

I Thes. 5:14 -18 (Do not render evil for evil)

Heb. 10:26-31 (Vengeance is God’s and root of bitterness) 12:14-17

I Pet. 3:8-9 (Do not render evil or railing)

ENVY AND STRIFE (Opposite is Peace and not Coveting)

Prov. 14:30 (Envy is the rottenness (disease?) of the bones)

I Cor. 3:3 (Are you not carnal and walk as men)

I Cor. 11:30 (Weak and sickly (diseases) and many sleep (die)

Gal. 5:19-26 (Shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (fruit of the Devil)

James 3:14-16 (Envying is jealousy.)

Envy is described as a green-eyed monster, yellow-eyed, horn-mad, resentful, to try to possess, to demand, to covet, mistrust, to be skeptical and jaundiced.

Numbers 12:1-10, Ezk. 35:11-15, I Cor. 3:3; 11:30

Job 5:2, Matt. 27:18, II Cor. 12:20

Prov. 14:30, 23:17, Mark 15:10, Gal. 5:21, 26

Prov. 27:4, Acts 7:9, 13:45, I Tim. 6:1-6

Ecc. 9:6, Acts 17:5, Titus 3:3

Isa. 11:13, 26:11, Rom. 1:29; 13:13, James 3:14; 4:5; 5:9

I Peter 2:1

Strife is described as contentious, quarrels, hostility, competition, rivalry, controversy, pairing off, acting hateful and spiteful. Have you had these feelings?

Prov. 10:12; 15:18, Prov. 22:10; 26:17, Phil. 2:3

16:19; 16:28; 20:3, 26:21; 28:25; 30:33, II Tim. 2:23-25


The ones that hurt us the most are the ones we love the most. Love breaks down walls between people.


I taught both in public and Christian private schools. I saw that children of Christians were for the most part as rejected as those on the street. I watched and many went to the streets. Don’t think that because you are a Christian, your children will automatically follow Jesus. Unless you really live what you say, you make the Christian life meaningless to them. Does this mean you must be perfect? No! It does mean you should be sincere, honest, and use Bible means to correct your actions. Children are most forgiving when you show them you are sincere. If you do not give them the love, discipline and leadership they need, they will find someone else to follow.

Parents get in order so that you children will see the value of God and His love for you and them. Show them how the Kingdom of God really works so that they will want to live their whole life by Godly precepts. You have to want to follow God and His ways more than you want your dinner tonight. If you don’t want Him that much, you will never grow very much.


Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you now in the name of Jesus Christ to ask for your help and guidance at this time. I want to thank you for loving me enough to die for me so that I might have your life. I thank you for continuing to teach me to understand your love. I thank you for forgiving me for holding unforgiveness. against others, you and myself. I do now forgive these people …. freely from my heart, I also forgive myself in like manner. I will forgive all others as the Holy Spirit reminds me of them. I repent of using the fear of loosing my love to dominate others, to get them to do what I want them to. I repent of manipulating others. I repent of rejecting others, especially those in my family, and causing them to feel the loss of love. I repent of loving the admiration of the world and for doing crazy things to try to get love. I repent of not loving myself properly as one of your creations. I have loved myself and others in the phileo sense and not in an unselfish and Godly way. I now let go of all resentment and bitterness which I have held against people for rejecting me. I break the curse of incest, bastard and occult on me and my family line. As I go through deliverance, help me to understand how these demons have worked me in the past and how I have used them to work on others. Help me to make amends where you tell me to. Help me to understand more about your kind of love and help me see how to work this love into my life. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

~Bits and Pieces of the Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody

Deliverance Prayers - Day 35 - HATE, VENGEANCE, ENVY, STRIFE AND LOVE

HATE (Opposite is Love)

God hates: Worship of other gods or images; sacrificed sons and daughter to other gods; God hates rightfully; idolatry; evil deeds; wrong; robbery; those loving violence; loves those who hate evil and those Egyptians that hated Israel (Ps.105:23-25); haughtiness, lying, murdering, plotting evil, eagerness to do wrong, a false witness and sowing discord among brothers (Prov. 6:16-19); pious meetings; hated Esau – loved Jacob; show and pretense – hypocrisy; pride and false glory; those worshiping beautiful homes; plots to harm others; swearing lies; divorce and cruel men (taken from 25 scripture verses).

We hate: Low and vulgar things; crooked deals; false teaching; those undecided to obey God; every other way; lies and falsehood; God’s enemies; evil; pride; arrogance; corruption; deceit; our son if we don’t discipline; dishonesty; bribes; hates himself if a thief; time for hating; idols; father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters and own life (Luke 14:26); licentious deeds; sexual sin and idol feasts (taken from 19 scripture verses).

List of Scriptures

Ex. 20:5 (Worship of gods and images)
Deut.12:31 (Sacrifice children); 16:22 (Worship images)
Job 34:17 (God hates rightfully.)
Psa. 5:5 (Proud sinners); 11:5 (Violence); 45:7 (Wrong); 97:10 (Evil); 101:3 (Deals); 105:25 (Hated Israel); 119:104 (False Teaching); 113 (Undecided); 128 (Way); and 163 (Falsehood) 139:21-22
Prov. 6:16-19 (Seven things) (Evil), 8:13 (Lies), 13:5 (Son), 24:9 (Folly), 28:16 (Dishonesty and bribes), 29:24 (Hates himself)
Ecc. 3:8 (A time for hating)
Isa. 1:14 (Pious meetings), 61:8 (Robbery and wrong)
Jer. 44:4 (Worshiping other gods), Hosea 9:15 (Idolatry)
Amos 5:15, (Idols) (Hypocrisy) (Pride)
21 and 6:8
Zech. 8:17 (Lying and harming others)
Mal. 1:3 (Rejected Esau), 2:16 (Divorce and cruelty)
Matt.10:22 (Hate us for being Christians.)
Luke 14:26 (Father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, own life)
John 12:25 (Despise life)
Rom. 9:13 (Chose not to bless Esau) (Hate wrong)
Rev. 2:6, (Licentiousness and sexual sin – Morally unreserved, wanton,
And 5 lascivious, voluptuous, dissolute, debauched, profligate and unbridled)
Psa.139:21 (Hate God’s enemies) hate, to hate enemy, be utterly odious, grieved
And 22 to cut off, detest, loathe self, hatred, exceeding hate.
VENGEANCE (Opposite is to let God repay your enemies)
Rom. 12:17-21 (Vengeance is mine; I will repay).


Love your enemies. First, forgive those that have hurt you. Bless them that curse you. Then ask God to break the curse. Do good to them that hate you. And ask God to bless them. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Pray for your enemies now (Matt. 5:44).

God Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Ask God for forgiveness for holding grudges against Him and blaming Him for tragedies in your lives.

Ancestors and Parents: Forgive them for the sins of the ancestors.

Husbands and Wives: Husbands ask God to forgive you for having bitterness against your wives. Wives ask God to forgive you for not submitting to your husbands. Children: Ask God to forgive you for not honoring and obeying your parents. Others: Forgive others for hurts and wrongs. Release them from sins against us.