Sunday, August 4, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 10 - The Art of Selfishness

The teaching of humanism in America's public schools is a perfect study of Satan's use of gradualism.  As the years have gone by, it has increased in intensity until people are becoming utterly self-centered, lazy, looking for something to help them escape reality, someone to blame for their failures and dependent on government for those things we should be doing for themselves.  Reading and heeding the teaching of the Bible seems like a fantasy to us.  Therefore, we Christians find ourselves seeking a God who will take care of all our problems for us.  We cannot understand that God has cut a covenant with us and never cuts out on us.  We are the ones who ask God to do both His part and ours.

We often, in moments of mock piety, ask God to sit on the throne of our life but do not consider what it will mean.   Once I was carried away with fantasy and asked God to sit on the throne of my life.  His answer was "It's a little crowded here; we cannot both sit here".  We need to consider what this kind of prayer means and not ask such a thing unless we mean to make the changes that will be required of us.

The Christian life requires a Christian to become deeply involved in correcting the problems in his own life, thereby learning to know God and himself and becoming strong in faith as he sees his obedience to the scriptures bringing corrections in his body, soul and spirit.  Then his life will be a strength and encouragement to all people both saved and lost. 

A man can never be so good that God will have to accept him for his goodness alone without that man accepting God's way of salvation, repentance and worship.  God is not obligated to receive our works in place of obedience to His Word.  This is the basis of all false religions.

The Biblical principals we are to live by are contained in Matt. 22:34-40 and Mark 12:29-30.  We tend to forget that if we love Jesus we will work at keeping all His Commandments (John 14:15).  II Timothy 3:1-7 is the results of breaking the Ten Commandants (Ex. 20:1-17).  

It is easy to see selfishness is the force breaking every commandment.  

Because spirits of self are very sneaky and try to trick and confuse us, pray something like this before you begin this study. 

PRAYER - "Father, I come to you now in the name of Jesus asking you to send the Seven - Fold Spirit of God upon me (Isa. 11:2) to help me to understand the selfishness in my life.  I bind all self spirits from interfering with my understanding of my motives and actions.  Give me wisdom to attack my problems.  Grant me the ability to see my motives and actions as you do. Father, please forgive, cleanse, and instruct me in your way.  I repent of accepting humanism as a religion to live by.  Father, help me to comprehend the many subtle ways it has controlled my ideals and actions, clouded my view of you and of life, and kept me from understanding your Word.  I now take authority (Luke 10:19) over all the power of the enemy, and I bind him and his demons from interfering now.  I ask you Father to send warrior spirits and angels to assist me (Heb. 1:14).  In Jesus Name, Amen." 

We complain about the young being so selfish.  Where do you think they were trained?  Look in the mirror.  Selfishness is a lack of control of self indulgence.  One proof of the Holy Spirit's work in us is self control (Gal. 5:5, 22-26).  V.22 But the fruit of the Holy Spirit, (the work which His presence within accomplishes) - is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness:  V.23, (meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such there is no law.  V.24, And those who belong to Christ Jesus, the Messiah, have crucified the flesh - Godless human nature - with its passions and appetites and desires. 

Let's just take a look at how we parents really flub up.  Let's use the coming Christmas Season as a case in point.  We loose demons of self-centeredness on our children plus those of idolatry.  We say to them every so well meaning, "What would you like for Christmas?"  He probably hasn't thought to much about it unless we've allowed him to get brain washed by TV.  So we start him on the self trail. 

As a teacher I can tell you that it takes a month or more for your child to get this self-centeredness under control if at all.  My assistant and I would have to bind up idolatry and self-centeredness, and loose Godly spirits on the children for weeks after they came back to school.  We would use scriptures about self-control, good work habits and generosity to help them get back into school work. 

As we continually probe for their desires, we are really sicking demons on the child.  As parents, we should have the good sense to know what toys our child should have and when.  We should have enough spiritual strength to teach the children why they can and cannot have certain things.  When they say everyone else has it or does it, a parent gets a great teaching opportunity.  If you do not have sound convictions, you will not be prepared to calmly and powerfully teach with enough conviction to convince them of your confidence in your knowledge. 

We don't just wait for holidays, we are constantly asking the children, "What do you want for supper?"  If there are three children, there will be no agreement.  Why not take on your responsibility and make a wholesome meal; those who don't like it may wait until the next meal - no snacks.  When they get hungry, they will eat. 

What about clothes?  Parents are paying; they should say what you wear.  If you are on your own and paying you own bills, you may choose. 

Lately, I hear and see moms and dads begging children to obey.  In our day we didn't beg, we told them what they could or could not do.  Those children seemed to be better adjusted and happier than now.  It is really more disgusting to see an Ahab daddy beg a child to be good than to see a mom giving in.

You will need to study your own motives to see why you do the things you do. They may point to your own need to face up to the need for deliverance from rejection, bitterness and rebellion, etc.  Refusing to shape up, once saved, is serious rebellion and stupidity. 

Do you have enough strength to read, study your Bible and obey it?  Will you take the time to teach your children Biblical principles?  Will you be strong enough to stand up to their objections as the family begins to come into order?  The children really respond well to their father's teaching them.  Our children would really be kicking up a fuss.  After Gene talked to them, they would correct quickly. 

When we break any commandment, curses are loosed on our children.  This means that demons have a right to work on our children to get them to sin and allow in more demons.  Begin by recognizing and truly repenting of sin in breaking God's commandments.  Then repent with sincere repentance for each commandment you have broken. 

PRAYER - "Dear Father, forgive me for setting up gods to worship, especially the god of self.  For placing self on the throne of my life and for serving my wants.  I ask you to give me understanding of myself and the motives for my actions.  Help me to understand how I became my own god.  I do repent for being selfish, of always looking out for myself, of always wanting the best for myself and my family.  I am also ashamed to see how I have taught my children to be selfish.  Please forgive me for my selfish motives and acts, the way I have tried to and have manipulated others to get my desires.  Forgive me for serving you to bring honor to myself.  Oh Lord, please cleanse me and instruct me in your way.  I will apply myself diligently to learn your way and do it." 

It is a serious thing to make a vow to God and not pay it.  If you plan to keep this vow, you may pray a prayer something like this: 

For the men: "Dear Father, I will apply myself to study Biblical principals.  I will live them and teach them to my children.  I will not berate nor harass my wife and children as they learn." 

For the women: "Dear Father, I will apply myself to study Biblical principals.  I will incorporate them into my life.  I will live them and teach them to our children.  I will not belittle or disrespect my husband as he leads us."  ~Earline Moody

~Bits and Pieces of the DELIVERANCE MANUAL by Gene and Earline Moody

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