Thursday, September 19, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 40 - KNOWLEDGE – BLOOD – AUTHORITY – CHANGE

There is a parallel sequence of events that are necessary to accomplish CONFESS – REPENT – BREAK – CAST – DISCIPLINE.

First, you need to obtain knowledge. You must have a working knowledge of the Bible and DELIVERANCE. You need to be a workman who is not ashamed of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. You can learn DELIVERANCE from teaching, ministry, counseling, studying, experience, etc.

Second, you need to get right with God and get your sins under the Blood of Jesus so that you will be cleansed.

Third, now that you are forgiven by God, you have the right to take authority over all the authority of the enemy and break curses and soul ties.

Fourth, it is necessary to change your life: the way you think and act.


The greatest need in the Christian life is the need for repentance; forgiveness is a major part of repentance.

The basic method we use is to find out what a person or their ancestors or others did that affected their life. Then, we get the person to confess and repent about these actions. Then, demonic ties are broken and demons are cast out. Finally, we counsel the person about disciplining their mind and body.

We have used this method successfully in our ministry for many years after God showed us this truth. It is easy to visualize when you realize that God thought it was so important that He died for our sins so that we could be forgiven when we repent. See Matthew 18:15-35 about how to deal with others when they offend us.

One of my pet peeves is the ministers who are unwilling to fully confront sin by teaching, ministry and counseling. These same ministers try to confess and repent for others rather than getting those guilty of sin to repent. What good do you think it accomplishes when the person is still guilty of that sin and has not repented or forgiven the one that hurt them? If the demons leave, they have a right to come back because of unbroken demonic ties, and unconfessed sin and iniquity.

We have worked with people at camp in mass DELIVERANCE, and then the next day worked with someone in individual DELIVERANCE. We find that person not to have repented in mass DELIVERANCE but repents in individual DELIVERANCE. The demons do not leave in mass DELIVERANCE but leave in individual DELIVERANCE because of repentance brought about by individual counseling.


1. What is sin and the standard against sin? – Sin is the thought or deed we commit that is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. The standard that is used to judge sin is the Holy Inspired Word of God, The Bible.

2. Who do we commit sin against? – I Cor. 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. The results of our sins affect ourselves and others. We sin upward against God, outward against others, inward against ourselves and downward against our descendants.

3. How do we sin against God? – We sin against God by disobedience to the commandments and precepts of the whole Bible.

4. How do we sin against others? – We sin against others by doing something to them that is contrary to the Bible. First, see what is a sin in the Bible. Second, that would be a sin against others. For example, the spreading of lies about another person is sin. We are telling lies which is a sin against God and it is also hurting another person.

5. How do we sin against ourselves? – I Cor. 6:18 He that commits fornication sins against his own body . Every other sin that man does is outside of the body except for fornication.

6. How do we sin against our descendants? – We sin against our descendants either directly or indirectly. We can directly sin against our children or indirectly against our children’s children to the tenth generation. For example, we conceive a bastard. It is a sin against that child, our other children and our children’s children to the tenth generation. The curse, created by conceiving a bastardy, will bring problems and grief: primarily alienation from the church and conceiving bastards generation after generation.

7. Who forgives sins? – Only God can forgive sin by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. We can remit (send away) sins and retain (hold fast) sins (John 20:23). What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven; what you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven (Matt. 16:19; 18:18). Other passages are judging others (I Cor. 5:1-5), forgive in the sight of Christ (II Cor. 2:10) and Christ speaking in me (II Cor. 13:3).

8. Who confesses sins? – We confess our sins and the sins of our ancestors, and humble ourselves before God (Lev. 26:40-42). Earline has a testimony about how God healed her heart after she dealt with her Indian ancestors. God gave her a series of steps about how to counteract the sins of her ancestors who worshiped demons. The ideal is to have the descendants forgive their ancestors (especially their parents). The most sure method is for the person to forgive those who have hurt them or committed acts which affect their lives.

9. What do we do after our sins are forgiven? – First, we get our sins forgiven and we forgive others for sinning against us. We then have the right to break curses, soul ties and cast out the demons. Second, we break the curses on ourselves, our mate if he or she is affected, and our descendants. We can break curses placed on us by others, curses placed on us by ourselves, and curses placed on our descendants by ourselves. Third, we break soul ties brought about by sexual sin and witchcraft. Fourth, we cast out the demons that came in through sin and curses. Fifth, we go and sin no more.


The traditional church and most of the other churches (full gospel, Pentecostal, charismatic, glossolalia, evangelistic) believe that the job is finished when the person repents. That is spiritual fantasy. Repentance means that God has forgiven us, and given us the authority to continue to clean our houses: souls and bodies. We need to eradicate, as much as possible, the evidences of sin in ourselves.

We must break curses on ourselves and our descendants to keep the curse from continuing and repeating the same sins. We need to break soul ties with those we have had sex with other than our only legitimate mate (which is a godly soul tie). We need to break soul ties with anyone who has exercised an ungodly control over us. We need to get rid of demonic objects in our living quarters and on our being.


Lord, I repent of my wickedness. I turn away from my sins, transgressions, iniquity and idols. I make supplication to you. I do not want to perish in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I forgive all others for anything they have done to me. I am sorry for my sins and mistakes.

Help me to have faith in God necessary to accomplish this prayer. Help me to have works that follow my conversion. Help me to hold fast to my salvation and be zealous for the Lord.

I believe the Gospel and accept it in simple childlike faith. I accept all of the benefits of being baptized with water. I will bring forth Fruits of the Spirit. I will quit being double minded about my sins. I will tell others of my salvation. I will rebuke my brother/sister and then forgive him/her. I will be baptized when I am converted. I will do these things as the Holy Spirit leads and with the help of God.

Thank you that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. Thank you for your gifts, calling and salvation. Thank you that all of these blessings have been provided for me. All these things I ask in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.

~Bits and Pieces of Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody

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