Friday, August 16, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 16 - School Systems Your Children Attend

Father, I thank You that the entrance of Your Word brings light and that You watch over Your Word to perform it. I bring before You the school system(s) my children attend and the men and women who are in positions of authority within it/them.

I ask You to give them skillful and godly wisdom, that Your knowledge might be pleasant to them. Then discretion will watch over them; understanding will keep them and deliver them from the way of evil and from evil people. I pray that men and women of integrity, blameless and complete [in Your sight], will remain in these positions, but that the wicked will be cut off and the treacherous will be rooted out in the name of Jesus. I thank You for placing born-again, Spirit-filled people in these positions.

Father, I bring my children before You. I speak forth Your Word boldly and confidently, Father, that I and the members of my household are saved in the name of Jesus. We are redeemed from the curse of the law, for Jesus was made a curse for us. My sons and daughters are not given to another people. I enjoy my children, and they will not go into captivity, in the name of Jesus.

As a single parent, I train my children in the way they should go, confident that when they are old they will not depart from it.

My children shrink from whatever might offend You and discredit the name of Christ. They show themselves to be blameless, guileless, innocent, and uncontaminated children of God, without blemish (faultless, unrebukable), in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation, holding out [to it] and offering [to all] the Word of Life. Thank You, Father, that You give them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and bring them into favor with those around them.

Father, I pray and intercede that all the young people, their parents, and the leaders in the school system(s) will separate themselves from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences and will cleanse themselves from everything that would contaminate and defile their spirits, souls, and bodies. I confess that they shun immorality and all sexual looseness [flee from impurity in thought, word, or deed] and that they live and conduct themselves honorably and becomingly as in the [open light of] day. I confess and believe that they shun youthful lusts and flee from them in the name of Jesus.

Father, I ask You to commission the angels, Your ministering spirits, to go forth and police the area, dispelling the forces of darkness.

I thank You that in Christ all the treasures of [divine] wisdom (of comprehensive insight into Your ways and purposes) and [all the riches of spiritual] knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden for my children, and that they walk in Him.

I praise You, Father, that I will see my children and all those in their school system [walking in the ways of piety and virtue], revering Your name. I pray that those who err in spirit will come to understanding, and that those who murmur [discontentedly] will accept instruction in the way, conforming to Your will and carrying out Your purposes in their lives. May You, Father, occupy first place in their hearts as I continue to surround all of them with my faith.

Thank You, Father, that You are the delivering God. Thank You that the good news of the Gospel is published throughout our school system(s). Thank You for intercessors to stand on Your Word and for laborers of the harvest to preach Your Word in Jesus’ name.  Praise the Lord! Amen.

Scripture References: Psalm 119:130 2 Timothy 2:21 amp
Jeremiah 1:12 amp 2 Corinthians 7:1 amp
Proverbs 2:10-12 amp 1 Corinthians 6:18 amp
Proverbs 2:21,22 amp Romans 13:13 amp
Acts 16:31 2 Timothy 2:22 amp
Galatians 3:13 2 Timothy 2:26
Deuteronomy 28:32,41 Hebrews 1:14
Proverbs 22:6 amp Colossians 2:3 amp
Philippians 2:12,15,16 amp Isaiah 29:23,24 amp
Daniel 1:17 amp Matthew 9:38
Daniel 1:9 1 John 2:16,17 amp

©2011 Word Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 289, Good Hope, GA 30641 770.267.7603 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 15 - Children Drug Addicts

This lesson is meant for ministry to children and also adults who have been treated with drugs to control the mind. It could also apply to "street drugs" which have similar effects on the person. The saddest thing to us is that the Christian World looks to the the psychiatric profession and associated occupations rather than to the Holy Bible and Almighty God about how to handle illnesses of the mind and raise children. God's Word shows you how to do these things. 

There are countless children in this country on very dangerous psychiatric drugs. They are the unwitting guinea pigs of an experiment which is turning into a nightmare of monstrous proportions. In the past five years alone, the number of children committing suicide is up over 600%. Evidence is mounting, on a daily basis, that this tragedy is directly related to psychiatric treatment of children at an early age. Even if you have no children, children are the future of this nation. You doubtlessly have been and will be affected by what is going on.  

Over the past ten years, psychiatry has shifted its income base from primarily treating adults to primarily treating children. This has been made possible by group medical plans which have recently (over the past 12 to 15 years) included coverage for psychiatric "treatments".

As a result, there are over 400% more children in psychiatric hospitals today than in 1980. It is estimated that the number of school children carrying psychiatric "diagnoses" of "mental illness' is up over 1000% in the same time period. In today's society, hanging a label of 'mental illness' on a child is like hanging a sign around the child's neck saying, "GARBAGE: TAKE IT AWAY!" 

HOW CHILDREN BECOME "MENTALLY ILL" - Under psychiatry's invented criteria, there isn't a single normal childhood behavior which doesn't fall within the broad "symptoms" which comprise so-called "mental illness". 

Psychiatry has implanted into our lives their solution to the age-old problems of life, as well as their solution to the problems encountered in the education of children. Psychiatry's solution is to medicalize, label and then to cash in on the most common problems of life, including those experienced daily by people who educate and live with children. 

HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CHILD - We also want any parent who still believes a child is too active, to know there are alternatives to drugging the child. In fact, there is extensive information available on handling active children without drugs. However, the first alternative to drugging a child, which the parent must recognize and choose, is to "not drug the child".

1. Dr. Caligari's Psychiatric Drugs from network Against Psychiatric Assault
2. Drugs by H. Winter Griffith, M.D.
3. Physicians Desk Reference from Medical Economics Company
4. Use a large medical dictionary or standard dictionary.
5. The above was excerpted from brochures of The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 5265 Fountain Avenue, Suite 2, Los Angeles, California 90029. You can obtain more detailed information from them about drug effects on people.

It's appalling that the Christian world looks to the psychiatric profession instead of to the Bible to raise their children and handle illnesses of the mind. This lesson is meant for ministry to children and also adults who have been treated with drugs to control the mind. It could also apply to "street drugs" which have similar effects on the person. In the past five years the number of children committing suicide is up over 600%. Evidence is mounting that this tragedy is directly related to psychiatric treatment of children at an early age. Deliverance ministry is included with this timely message.

~Bits and Pieces of the Deliverance Manual by Gene & Earline Moody

Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before You in prayer and in faith, believing that Your Word runs swiftly throughout the earth, for the Word of God is not chained or imprisoned. We bring before You _____________ (those, and families of those, involved in cults).
    Father, stretch forth Your hand from above; rescue and deliver __________ out of great waters, from the land of hostile aliens whose mouths speak deceit and whose right hands are right hands raised in taking fraudulent oaths. Their mouths must be stopped, for they are mentally distressing and subverting __________ and whole families by teaching what they ought not teach for the purpose of getting base advantage and disreputable gain. But, praise God, they will not get very far, for their rash folly will become obvious to everybody!
    Execute justice, precious Father, for the oppressed. Set the prisoners free, open the eyes of the blind, lift up the bowed down, heal the brokenhearted, and bind up their wounds. Lift up the humble and downtrodden, and cast the wicked down to the ground in the mighty name of Jesus.
    Turn back the hearts of the disobedient, incredulous, and unpersuadable to the wisdom of the upright and the knowledge of the will of God, in order to make ready for You, Lord, a people perfectly prepared in spirit, adjusted, disposed, and placed in the right moral state.
    Father, You say in Your Word to refrain our voices from weeping and our eyes from tears, for our prayers shall be rewarded and __________ shall return from the enemy’s land and come again to his/her own country. You will save our offspring from the land of their exile; from the east and the west — sons from afar and daughters from the ends of the earth. We shall see __________ walking in the ways of piety and virtue, revering Your name, Father. Those who err in spirit will come to understanding. Those who murmur discontentedly will accept instruction in the Way, Jesus. Father, You contend with those who contend with us, and You give safety to __________.
    In the name of Jesus, I bind ________’s feet to the paths of righteousness, that his/her steps would be steady and sure. I bind ________ to the work of the Cross, with all of its mercy, grace, love, forgiveness, and dying to self.
    I loose the power and effects of deceptions and lies from him/her. I loose the confusion and blindness of the god of this world from ______’s mind that have kept him/her from seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I call forth every precious word of Scripture that has ever entered into his/her mind and heart, that it would rise up in power within him/her. I loose the power and effects of any harsh or hard words (word curses) spoken to, about, or by __________.
    Jesus gave me the keys and the authority to bind and loose these things in His name. Thank You, Lord, for the truth.1
    Father, we ask You to commission the ministering spirits to go forth and dispel these forces of darkness and bring __________ home in the name of Jesus.
    Father, we believe and confess that __________ has had knowledge of and been acquainted with the Word, which was able to instruct him/her and give him/her the understanding for salvation that comes through faith in Christ Jesus. Lord, we pray and believe that You certainly will deliver __________ from every assault of evil and draw __________ to Yourself and preserve and bring __________ safe into Your heavenly Kingdom. Glory to You, Father, Who deliver those for whom we intercede in Jesus’ name! Amen.
    Note: Pray this prayer until faith arises in you. Then you will know that God shall perform His Word in the life of the one for whom you are interceding. The Holy Spirit is your Helper. When you perceive the intercession is completed, surround the individual with songs and shouts of deliverance in your prayer closet.

Scripture References:
    Psalm 147:15    Isaiah 43:5,6
    2 Timothy 2:9    Isaiah 29:23,24
    Psalm 144:7,8    Isaiah 49:25
    Titus 1:11    Matthew 18:18
    2 Timothy 3:9    2 Timothy 3:2-9
    Psalm 146:7,8    Hebrews 1:14
    Psalm 147:3-6    2 Timothy 3:15
    Luke 1:17    2 Timothy 4:18
    Jeremiah 31:16,17    Job 22:30
    Jeremiah 46:27

~Word Ministries' Prayers