Sunday, July 21, 2013

Deliverance Prayers - Day 1 - Breaking Soul Ties

HOW WE GET CAUGHT IN SEXUAL TRAPS - I am going to briefly discuss some of the traps Satan has set for us in the sexual area which will hold not only us but generations of our descendants in its' bondage. It will not be a pretty picture but perhaps you will see yourself and your children in these traps. There is good news for all Christians who desire to stop the effects of past sins. Jesus was made accursed for us, therefore we may break the curses, call out demons and watch very carefully for Satan's tricks in the sexual area.

The number one reason we have found for the sinful sexual activity of our day is that proper love relationships are not shown in the home. In many homes, even Christian homes, the proper relationships are not lived. Children need to see and feel the love between parents and themselves. Many people do not love their children. Many who do may not be able to show love properly to the children due to the problems they have with rejection themselves. Love is constant; it does not turn off when you don't get your way or when you fail or when someone you love fails. Please read and study II Tim. 3:1-5.

The next reason (one which grows out of number one) is rejection. A rejected person is one who is always looking for someone to love them without reservation. Many substitute lust (which tries to grab for itself) in place of love (which is caring, giving and protecting). Isa. 53:3, He was despised and rejected of men (all men). Rejection is a tool Satan uses on all of us. He used it repeatedly on Jesus. We have come to believe it is the first deep wound a person receives and ,if not healed, provides the doorway for demons to enter.
Much of the sexual activity of today is rejected people trying to feel loved. They have just fallen for one of Satan's tricks. Sexual activity is not love; it is just sex. Rejection causes us not to respect ourselves therefore we do not respect others nor their rights.

Reason number three is curses playing out their legal hold. When you or one of your direct line ancestors commits a sexual sin which carries a curse, demons which accompany that curse will follow all the descendants and try to bring each one into sexual sin. The demons have a right to do this until the curse runs out provided no one else adds to the curse or someone learns of breaking the curses and the casting out of the demons which accompany the curse. The purpose of this is to destroy whole family lines; I have seen this happen (King David's family and Saul's family).

PRAYER - Here is a prayer which has helped many to untangle the bondage and break free (pray out loud for more spiritual power):

Lord Jesus, I bring before you all my sexual sins (by name); I renounce them all and I am sorry for participation's in them. I do now repent and ask forgiveness for them all. I now break in the name of the Lord Jesus the hold these sins have had on me. I also break all soul ties between me and every person (name each person).In Joel I am told that those who call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered. In particular I confess the following: all preoccupation with the sensual desire and appetites, and indulgences of them; all longing and ardent desire for what is forbidden; all inordinate affection, all unnatural and unrestrained passions and lusts; all promoting or partaking of that which tends to produce lewd emotions, and foster sexual sin and lust. I further confess all filthy communication: obscene and filthy language, conversation and jokes; lewd and obscene music, poetry, literature and art; all pornography; all acts of sodomy, adultery, immorality, fornication, masturbation, oral sex, effeminacy and homosexuality; also all affection for and attachment to philosophies, religions, and life styles which glorify, promote and condone sexual conduct in thought, word and deed contrary to the standard for believers in the Bible.

I further renounce the expression of these philosophies, religions and life styles in art, literature, mass media, and public practices and attitudes. Lord, I ask that Your Spirit reveal other sexual offenses in my life that I have committed.

Father, I confess and renounce all occult involvement, both known and unknown, by me or my ancestors. I hate Satan, his demons, and all his works; I count all that offends you, Father, as my enemy.

Lord I ask you to cleanse, heal and deliver me. I thank you for forgiving my sin and cleansing me from all unrighteousness. I also now break all curses (here break all curses known to you and ask God to reveal any others) I have brought upon myself and my children, and I break all those I inherited in the name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. I do now claim and accept your forgiveness and cleansing.

Satan, I have confessed my sins, and broken all soul ties and curses in name of Jesus, and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour. I am reclaiming every area of my mind and body which I formerly gave to you and your demons. I claim freedom and cleansing in the areas of sexual sin, and I renounce you and your hosts, and command that they leave me now in the name of Jesus Christ.

I now reclaim all ground that I have ever given to Satan in body, mind, soul, or spirit. I dedicate all of my life to you Dear Lord, to be used by You. I ask You to empower every area of my life, so that in the future they might be used in service to You. Amen.

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