Friday, July 23, 2021

This Is A Season For Moving! We Have Got To Move With The Cloud! ~"Wells of Revival" Jessi Green

URGENT Vision of America - Prophetic Word from Jessi Green

PASTOR ALAN: Jessi Green has had a specific vision about what God is doing across this Nation. In this urgent prophetic update with Jessi Green from Saturate Global you'll learn what God is doing right now across this Country and how you can be a part of it. Revival is breaking out and you're about to get a prophetic word that will challenge and transform you.

Today an awakening is here right now, revival is here, the wells of revival are being shocked and reopened all across the Nation and God wants you to get involved, and today we've got a guest with us who is the tip of the spear of what God is doing. Piercing the heart of the darkness in this Nation, uncapping the Wells of Revival. We're not going to wait any longer we're going to bring her on here with us. She's the director of saturate global she's leading the charge in this Wells of Revival Tour would you welcome Jesse Green. 

Well there comes a time when you got to stop praying for revival and you have to  start walking in it. You have to receive it. I need everybody watching this right now begin to pray with your spirit, and I need you to recognize that right now at this moment revival is available. It is happening in this Nation and just saying in a  minute we're going to talk about a big announcement about what God could be doing in the Carolinas in the coming weeks, and I want to talk to you about what's happening on the ground there in Kentucky but first what birthed this "Wells of Revival Tour" that you're on right now?

JESSI: But the Lord actually asked us, Parker and I to just trust him fully, and so we thought we were going to be in California for the rest of our lives. And a few weeks ago God asked us if there was anything off the table. And we were like well we really like California, and He said would you give that to me, and we were like of course Lord. So, we actually just moved our whole family into an RV and drove across the country. We moved out of our whole house, sold everything that we had besides clothes and we're in an RV. Honestly we're just willing to go and do whatever the Lord says. So if we're going to stay in Kentucky a little longer we're able to do that. God has been highlighting some other places on the east coast to us. We're just praying through it and God's saying yes or no on certain invitations and I believe that as we're honestly just following this pillar of fire where He wants to release His glory around America. 

PASTOR ALAN: I've got more I want to talk to you about because you mentioned God's been showing you places in America and you've kind of seen a vision of the map of America but before we dive into that if people do want to find out where you're going to be what's the website that they can go to.

JESSIE: Yeah, so our website is and on the website you can register for any of the events. When we have new events we'll update it on there too.  So we'll be adding places on the schedule for the week, basically all the information you can use. It's pretty simple On Instagram saturate global has probably the most quick updates. 

PASTOR ALAN: We'll put the links for that in the description of this video. Check it out if you can't get there, and for some reason you still can go to it and begin to pray. There's no reason that the front of the warfare should be on Jesse and Parker's shoulders the rest of us should be covering them and keeping them covered in prayer so they can just do the work that god's called them to do now. Jesse you've had a vision of America and you saw a map of America in front of you, can you walk us through a little bit of what you saw because it's so specific and so precise. I think people are going to grab hold of this.

JESSI: Yeah, absolutely! It's funny, because I normally see the visions from the Lord. The visions are more like movies, and my husband usually gets more directional, like blueprint strategy visions. I never get visions like that. So, usually the Lord will show me a whole picture, like of people being baptized in this beautiful thing. But recently the Lord showed me this vision, and it was very specific, and strategic.  So, I quickly wrote it down, but essentially it was this map of America. The first thing that he showed me was this triangle, and it hit several parts. I actually posted it on my own social media, which is Jessie Green,  and on this triangle you have Kentucky, the bottom of like, West Virginia,  the Carolinas, it goes down  towards Georgia, and then up through  Tennessee. It was kind of like a triangle facing this way, so the tip of it was in Kentucky and  then the bottom was towards the Carolinas, and the South.

The Lord showed me a Picture of Fire and Water in this Triangle.  Essentially, in this Triangle would be Several Generals from all around the World that are going to start Moving into this Triangle Rapidly. There's going to be this Powerful Release in this Triangle of Water and Fire. And I believe that Many are going to be coming into this Triangle, and maybe for a long period of time. It might be for two weeks, but to be Equipped to be Trained, to be Set on Fire, to find their people.

There are going to be Training Centers actually established throughout this whole Triangle.  And I feel like there are people that are feeling called to move into these areas, and they're thinking it's very random, but it's not random at all, it's the Lord. He's speaking to you, He's moving pieces around like a Chess Board. So if you're being called into these areas, it's not just your own desires. Pay  attention, the Lord's trying to Equip you for what He's Releasing in this Nation, so, Go and Get Equipped. I believe that there are Multiple Training Centers that  are going to be Built and Established in these areas.

And then, what I saw was these Oil Ports in  Florida, Texas,  Southern  California. These were places where there is going to just be Continual Oil Poured Out. I  believe that Discipleship Strategies were going to come out of these areas. And then they were also going to kind of connect with this Triangle area to continue the Burning, and Sustaining of this Revival.

And then I saw the Whole Middle of the Country, like Ohio, Colorado, Kansas. This Whole area was going to be more like a Birthing of the Prophetic Movements and  Prayer Movements.  I  saw  Angels,   actually Thousands and Thousands of Angels  Dwelling in this Region and They're Waiting To Be Sent Out Into the Rest of the Nation. So, actually the Middle of the Nation is going to see Spiritually what's Happening in the Country and their job is to Equip Intercessors, specifically that will Go Out and Release the Angelic into these areas, all over the Nation. 

Then one thing that was kind of difficult, that I'm still seeking the Lord on, but I  believe that He's wanting to do, is that I believe the Pacific Northwest, from San Francisco, Santa Cruz area, all the way up to the tip of Washington, and then the Northeast.  Specifically, I  feel like we've lost a little bit of the war for our Nation. The Spirit in these areas, and so the Lord said, "These Are War Territories". We have to be very Strategic when we send people into these areas. We need High Level Trained Profits, Evangelists, and Intercessors that go in. It's like a Special Ops Team that you would have in the military that are highly skilled that can go in.  I feel like we're going to be taking out the new age strategies that are happening in there in the Spirit. There's a lot of things that are happening Politically in these Regions that are Demonic, but we can't just go in.

Like it won't be the same as Kentucky for example, where we do a Big Christian  Event, and Worship, and Prophesy. I think we're gonna Need Really Clear Strategies from Heaven How to Win the War in those Regions. But God's already establishing that and giving people visions and ideas for what we need to come alongside the Prophets who get the Strategies for those Regions. "It's A Brand New Thing", it's not going to be something that's worked before. We need a "New Kingdom Strategy" on how to Win the War there.

And then also, the Lord's Establishing Resting Places throughout the Northwest, and I believe that's almost like these Retreat Places for People that are in the Battle and War where they can Go and Seek Refuge and then go back out onto the Field and Fight again. I haven't shared this yet, but I really feel this burning within me, I've been feeling it all week this week. I mean I've never experienced Warfare like I have, because I believe that We're in a War for this Nation, and it's Really an Opportunity for the Church to either Agree with Heaven or Agree with Hell right now, and there's No Middle Line. We need to be like, if you're a Bible  Believing Christian, if you're Filled with the Holy Spirit and you have to Preach the Gospel, Right now, everywhere that you are. 

There are Thousands, and Thousands, and Thousands of Souls at stake right now.  Our Children are at Stake right now! Our Nation, the Sake of Our Nation's Life of Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, all of these things are on the line right now. And if we don't have the Church Rise Up. It's time for us to be Violent in Our Pursuit of the Kingdom. It's no longer just like I love to have my hair pretty, my makeup pretty, wear a nice dress, and go to Church, but that isn't the Hour right now. Right now is the Hour to be in the mud pushing out a truck and doing whatever you need to do so People Can Hear the Gospel. The times have changed and We need to just partner with God in what He's doing.

PASTOR ALAN: I need everyone listening to recognize that this is an urgent call to action. God right now is opening His armory. He is releasing weapons that haven't been seen in generations and placing them in the hands of believers, who must become skilled in the art of warfare. And one of the things that you mentioned was happening in the Carolinas would be this equipping these training centers that would rise up in the Carolinas. And I feel the power of God right now as you were as you were talking that. 

Every  single one of you watching needs to know, It's time to get up and move. This is a Season for moving and whether it's temporary, whether it's just for two weeks, like she said. But you have got to move with the cloud whether it's go to Kentucky where I can't get to Kentucky, well you can get to North Carolina and and we're excited to announce  that we saw what Jesse was doing, and we said you know what we want to see that in the Carolinas so we're we're bringing it to the Charlotte region Jesse August 12th 13th and 14th.

This is not a traditional Pentecostal tent meeting just for the local Spirit-Filled Church to get around and all get healed of a headache this is a Reformation, a move of God to Rescue this Generation and Revitalize the Civilization as we get ready for this in in North Carolina or in the Charlotte area. What do you see happening as you come here in the month of August.

JESSI: Yeah, I actually it's so Wild because before we even talked and you I  didn't even know this. We had set in our calendar to be in North Carolina for all of August so we had rented out an RV spot in North Carolina because the Lord just said for us to be there and we thought we were just going to do some Street Evangelism, and just see what the Lord was Going To Do and then you reached out and you're like, I'm feeling like the Lord saying this, and we were like  absolutely, yes, we're already gonna be there. I believe, that honestly, I believe that there's a Wild Remnant that's in North Carolina and South Carolina. I actually believe  that all of South Carolina is going to come and join with this. and actually West Virginia, I believe is going to come down and join with this.  

I believe that what's going to happen is people, and we've seen this happening everywhere, but there are Christians that are being Tormented by Demonic Spirits because you're actually called to be a leader in this next move of God and the enemy is trying his hardest to take you out. I believe that you're going to be delivered of whatever tormenting thoughts are harassing you. I believe your identity in Christ is going to be re-established and I believe that every idol that has sneakily made its way into your heart is going to be thrashed to the ground  and have no place any longer. 

And I believe that in every single person in their life when they come the Holy Spirit is going to meet them in such a profound extravagant personal way that they won't have to wrestle any longer with the lordship of Jesus, but it will be this thing of like what must I do Lord. Like it's this recognition that's gonna take over them, it won't be being convinced to be a Christian any longer because they grew up in the church, but it will be this like personal revelation of the realness grandness holiness of God. And I feel like there are going to be many people that fall to their knees and repentance when they recognize how big He is and they're just gonna say, I can't believe that I didn't give him everything for years, but here I am Lord anything you want is yours. And I believe that we're going to see evangelism just sweep through the Carolinas in such a powerful way that we have never seen.

PASTOR ALAN: It's never been recorded like this before. If you're watching this and you say I want to be a part of that, I want to be a part of that I want our Church to be a part of that. I want to because we need people Jesse. We need people who can cast out devils we need so many people who can lay hands on the sick we need people who can evangelize we need people who can just take help  take care of the grounds we need people to partner with us and we need to know  who's coming and all they have to do.

If you're watching this go to: all the details except for the dates, the location is not yet determined because we're trying to find prophetically, just the right venue. It'll be somewhere between Albemarle, North Carolina and Charlotte North Carolina, but when you register go to the site and register we'll send you the information as soon as we get the updates, probably in the next week. We'll have the location in the next seven to eight days and have the location  nailed down, but go ahead and go to and let us know you're coming and you want to be a part of it.

Jessi, for what's happening now in Kentucky, you've got people all around the region who are already showing up, and I think it's saturate is where they go for that. We stole your but it's saturate As people prepare for that what is it you need moving into the next few days. How can people partner with you?

JESSI: Yeah, there's probably two main needs that we have. The first is we do need team so you can go to saturate global and you can sign up to join the team we have 200 volunteers right now on the team but we really do need all hands on deck. I mean it's one of the things where I'm seeing the fruit of the verse, where it says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Pray to the Lord of the harvest for workers because we're shoveling gravel because there's so much mud and trucks are getting stuck, so we just need a team. We need people to help with the parking to tell people where to go. We need intercessors to be praying because we've had a lot of issues come up and honestly we just need people that are ready to pray for people. 

It just was crazy chaos yesterday, and we have a team flying from around the world, from the Philippines, and South Africa. So if you live driving distance to Kentucky, I'm  saying just please get there. We need all hands on deck. And then honestly, financially, we probably need around ten thousand dollars. This morning we had to hire shuttle services to shuttle people from the local schools because all of our parking lots are full, and people are parking on the highway.

We have to pay about 40 police officers to block people from parking on the highway, and not walking on the highway, so they wouldn't get hit. So we have to shuttle people from the High School and we have to pay for those shuttles, which are expensive. We've had to pay for more gravel because of the rain. There is mud everywhere, and lots of trucks are getting stuck, so we brought five truckloads of gravel in, and I have videos of like 10 year old boys shoveling gravel. So, we did cover fences but otherwise we're really just keep believing that God keeps pouring out His fire, His glory, and we keep hearing words that there is going to be Shekinah Glory this weekend. As soon as we experience that I will let everyone know.

PASTOR ALAN: Well you mean to tell me Revivals are not free? It actually costs something, it'll cost you everything ladies and gentlemen. So you can go to and we're going to be sowing into what you're doing there in Kentucky. If you want to go to and take advantage of our special offer, we'll send you two books absolutely free just to thank you. If you go through the special offer for helping us support Jessi Green and the work she's doing there, or just go directly to saturate and sow directly into what they're doing, and get ready for coming up August 12th, 13th, and 14th. Begin to pray, go to and register. Jessi, is there anything else you want to share with us before you go back out and shovel some gravel? 

JESSI: Yeah, just thank you for praying with us.  I just encourage you to be there this weekend. If you're in the area, if the Lord is speaking to you right now just do everything you can to just be there. And I believe that we need all of us to just ask God what is it that you want me to do? And I believe that God has a specific assignment for you. So if you're watching this right now God has a plan for you in this move of God. There are specific people that he wants you to encounter, and so right now is the season to take our eyes off of ourselves, and to put our eyes outward and start asking the Lord to show us, with his eyes, what He's doing, and open up our hands to partner with him in whatever He's gonna do and you will experience God's Glory personally in your life. If you will praise with your eyes lifted, and your hands open, and I'm so excited for you to be a part of the revival in America.

PASTOR ALAN: I feel like something's breaking. Could you just take a second and pray. I think people are hearing you. They're hearing your heart,  they're receiving from your anointing. I think when you pray for them right now something is going to lift off of them. Some chain is going to be loosed, and they're going to be free to do what God's called them to do. Let's just agree with them. 

JESSI: Yeah, absolutely! PRAYER: Jesus right now we just bind every curse, every harassing spirit that is attacking people's identity right now. I just heard right now if you've been hearing the words that you can't, or you're not able, or you're not seen, or you've been disqualified, I just right now command those words to be broken right now, in the name of Jesus, to be canceled. Holy Spirit right now, yeah I just feel God's presence so powerfully right now. Holy Spirit I just ask right now that you just begin to pour out visions right now of the plans and purposes that you've established for your people from the foundations of this earth right now. God I thank you that we are a chosen generation. Your Word says that we are a royal priesthood. God I thank you that every single one of us has been given the ministry of reconciliation.

So by the power of your Holy Spirit right now we just ask you to come Holy Spirit ignite us, let us not be apathetic about the state of our nation right now, but let us look at the news and say what must I do Lord, what must I do Lord Jesus? I pray right now that every single person that's watching, that they would call upon the name of the Lord and they would see salvation happen in their own life. And that they would see salvation happen through them as they preach the gospel with boldness, that they preach that you died for our sins Lord, but you resurrected in power and you have given us the Holy Spirit.

So right now in the name of Jesus we receive the power of your Holy Spirit. Not just for a confirmation that you are with us, which you do Holy Spirit, but I pray that we would have the power of the Holy Spirit to be a bold witness to this nation and say that this will be a nation under God. That we would come under the  Lordship of King Jesus, that the Church right now would not be soiled or silenced but we would be a bold Church that would say, we will not permit things that are unholy in this nation any longer. And let us not be deceived or convinced that the Church needs to be hidden away, but let us look at Acts and be vigilant about taking the Church into every single sphere, every single part of culture, and let us transform this Nation with the power of the gospel through Christ Jesus.

We thank you Lord God that you are rising us up, you are giving us courage, and you are giving us every tool and gift and financial need and everything that we need as we step out in faith and trust in you. There are people watching right now and you're saying, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this. And the Lord is saying, if you step out in faith he will meet your need. So this is not the time to think about what if, this is the time to say, yes God, and watch Him provide for you, and that will be part of your testimony. So we agree with Heaven and so let's just step out in boldness and faith right now in this season.

PASTOR ALAN: Somebody just write, yes Lord, in the comments and reach out to Jessie Green at They need your help, they need your support, and they don't need it as much as you need to supply it. God only creates a need in the ministry for one reason to give you an opportunity to partner with that anointing. He could supply every single need they have, He could take care of it drop it down out of heaven and He certainly will take care of it with or without us, but I don't know about you I want to partner with it. I want to connect with that anointing, I want to see it released in my life in my ministry and I know you do too so go to If you want to be a part of what's happening in North Carolina go to to register. Let us know and more information will be announced about that in the next week and a half. Jesse we can't thank you enough for taking the time to be with us today.

JESSI: Oh absolutely, thank you! I love whenever I get to join you guys and I'm just so excited for North Carolina.

PASTOR ALAN:  It's going to be amazing! Get to Kentucky ladies and gentlemen. Get ready God is opening His armory putting some weapons in your hand. Go to if you'd like more information about our ministry, and what coming up the events that are happening, or if you want to help us sow into Jessi Green and into the work that's being done in Kentucky. click on the special offer and we'll see you next time right here on your Encounter Today. 

~ENCOUNTER TODAY: URGENT Vision of America - Prophetic Word from Jessi Green

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