Thursday, July 15, 2021

Knowing Jesus / Prayers for Deliverance

Prayer For Deliverance From A Worldly Mindset

Dear Heavenly Father, You know that I trusted in the Lord Jesus many years ago and the joy and love and excitement that I felt in those days has gradually leaked away. I feel so far away from You, estranged from the God who created me and the Saviour Who died on the cross to pay the price for my sins.

Lord, it is as if I have been covered with a worldly and fleshly shroud that has caused me to wander so far away from You, that I have become more like the world than many that are in the world. Forgive me Lord, for wandering so far from You. Forgive me for being pulled so far away from You and back into the ways of the world. Forgive me for my worldly ways and my fleshly desires. Forgive me for leaving my first Love, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deliver me I pray, from the life into which I have now become so embroiled and return to me the joy of my Salvation. Deliver me from this fleshly mindset that has swamped the heart of Christ, from Whom I gained such joy and peace. Lord, I kneel before You broken-hearted and truly sorry for all my sins and rebellious ways. I want to turn away from all these fleshly lusts and look to Jesus, Whom I know is the only secure Deliverer from all that I have become so embroiled in. Thank You, that even though I have proved so faithless You have remained Faithful and True. Cleanse me and wash me and renew a right spirit within me, and may I sing to Your praise and glory until my life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Deliverance From Enemies

Dear Lord, I ask You to hear my prayer and to listen to my cry for help. Lord, I know that in and of myself I am not worthy to approach Your glory, but I know that in Christ I may come boldly to Your throne of grace, to find help from You in time of need. Lord, I am in a time of need now, and ask Father, that You would deliver me from all my enemies and from those that are seeking to harm me. Lord, I trust in You and I know that You are mighty to save and Your Word promises that You are faithful and true.

Lord, there are many problems that are surrounding me at the moment and each one has the potential to overwhelm me, but I am looking to You for help and I am trusting in You for my deliverance. Teach me the way that I should go and deliver me from the many ‘enemies’ that are surrounding and threatening me. Help me to rest in You and to cast my problems and burdens at Your feet, for You are my God in Whom I trust. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Source: Knowing Jesus / Prayers for Deliverance


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