Friday, January 29, 2021


FLASHPOINT COVERAGE IN THE SPIRIT OF FAITH LIVE 01.06.21 with Gene Bailey, Greg Stevens, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo, Mike Lindell, Tim Fox,  Hank Kunneman, and statement from Michele Bachmann Congresswoman. 

GREG STEVENS:...Breaking News!!! We just found out that it is confirmed that the FBI had a Bus load of Antifa people come in and infiltrate the rally and that those are the people who broke into the Capital and did all the damage...they're supposed to go back into session here momentarily and we're going to be monitoring it and covering it for you watching...This is being blamed on President Trump.  His twitter feed has been turned off and several other things on that so we have vowed that we're going to tell the truth and we're still behind him... 

MICHELLE BACHMANN STATEMENT:  I'm still in lockdown in the Capitol Building. Michelle Bachmann here, I was in the U.S. Capitol during the breach and was in the George Washington Members Chapel off the Rotunda praying. Prior to that I was by the House Chamber speaking to congressional members literally minutes before unauthorized people entered the building.  I left the Chapel walked through the Rotunda and tried exiting the Capitol. The Capitol was locked down so I couldn't leave. I saw a former colleague in Capitol police took he and I to the member's office in the Rayburn Building.  That's where I am now, we're locked in the building. The mayor imposed a curfew at 6 p.m for D.C.  My guess the left dressed up as Trump supporters and led the breach. Prior to this the crowd was totally peaceful singing, praying.  There was no anger in the crowds prior to this, the breach makes no sense. The left achieved their objective, they stopped the prayers and the momentum building on the members to raise challenges to the election results.  Now the Mayor has expelled us from the city at 6 pm.  Congress is canceled for the day, we won't see prayer warriors able to reassemble.  Now the prayer patriots are painted as the enemy, I assure you they were not.  I was not here to speak but to speak with members of Congress and to pray.

Now since that statement we do know that they have opened back up. They are bringing Congress back in to continue the vote. 

This was the typical classic crowd at the Rally which was for support for President Trump, no rioting, just singing and prayer groups.

LANCE WALLNAU: We had your typical Trump Rally with all of the classic, mostly Christians and Evangelicals and Trump supporters, pro-life Catholics. Nice, sweet, salt of the earth kind of people, you know, they are colorful and they're orderly. There was probably a quarter of a million people and not an incident. I even had to break through the crowd because I was running late and I just said, excuse me excuse me, excuse me, it was like, hey Lance, hey Lance. I kind of worked my way through the crowd to get in there to the front so that I could be up close to where the President was. It was a cold day and a beautiful day and you know and Rudy spoke, and President Trump came out, Eric spoke, and Donnie, Donald Trump Jr.

So you have this classic Rally feel, orderly, quiet, disciplined, enthusiastic for the President. You know, USA, USA, fight for Trump, fight for Trump. When it came time to dismiss the President said, Okay, now we're going to go do our march. And so you have like a Jericho march, you have people decently filing out and good humor, almost like a giant Disney parade.  And then as we're going up of course we're getting close and I'm getting reports that the Capital has been breached and right away I'm on this thing.

So we're looking at who are these people that are breaching the Capital, windows have been broken and then I go back out.  I'm going up to the streets and people are coming back and these are prayer people saying, something happened and that they were tear gassed. They had tears in their eyes and said, "They set off tear gas".  Then we are breaking into the realization, Antifa and Black Lives Matter protests. They are basically the same activists working in co-groups. The same guys that do one group will do the other.  What they do is in the peaceful protest and you could see these protests that were going on this summer, and then roughly around and as the sun was setting they turned violent.

Antifa is a militant and they are actually a militia organized. They have their cell phone information together, they know their drop points, and they move in and suddenly. All of these things turn violent and then you have buildings burning all this stuff.  And so what we are saying is it was a mostly peaceful protest until the organized funded agitators of these organizations got in and once they got in, they broke through.

Now we have the goods on them today, because live while we were doing a program with Victory. I'm saying, I'm convinced this is Antifa guys because I know our people. I'm in the midst of these people walking with them. And sure enough the pictures come back, the videos come back, and Gene's team was able to immediately correlate the images that were on the screen with the break-in at the capitol, the twitter feeds were Antifa activists. And guys we've got at least two of them right now that are literally in the Capital carrying their trump president trump flex, which you have is called a false flag incident. It's almost like the media colludes and there has to be a level of government complicity and stupidity in this because these are the activists that literally break in.

And meanwhile I'm looking at the crowd of our people arriving and they are waving their flags and they are standing on the Capitol because they think that their group is gone in and their group didn't go.  And the pictures of who breaks in are like a pagan army with horns and tattoos and their shirts off. This is the image for the photographs that are being sent around to show Trump supporters, but they are actually the activists that are working for the Democratic party that were there in order to create an incident with violence that would smear the President and force him to have to say.

I know you're upset you have to be because he's thinking maybe it's his people. It wasn't his people, it was the devil's people at this thing. And the fact that this information is now broken and now it's going wild, the photographs are out, the information is out. This is one moment when all the prayers we're praying and prophetic anointing we've got is tearing the veil. And now you are going to see the media having to explain and the Capital having to explain why were they drawing guns and why weren't they responding to their own Democrat activists that have been in this city before raising hell literally burning down stuff.  And why weren't they on the alert for those activists and why are they smearing Donald Trump's campaign.

Because they want to smear Donald Trump, they want to smear his peaceful people, and they want to make it look like we are the agitators and it's going to end now. That's right we're going to put up a few pictures here. Go ahead guys in the back let's put up some of the pictures of what we've been talking about of what was happening Jason you got that first one there you go all right so look at this picture you see the guy over there on the right holding the trump flag now before you say hey wait a minute why are you guys doing this you're putting them at harm's way. They posted these on social media okay, so they are the ones that made this public.

So let's go to the next picture, all right. So there you go you see the guy with the the horn outfit there, I think this is the Senate floor posing for the guys in the camera. Okay, this is how far they got yesterday.  Okay next one now look there's the same guy at the rally in June DC Capital and in January same man. All right next this is the shooting that happened. Now look at this is. You guys have all heard about this horrible situation, the young lady passed away that got shot, let's go to the next one, here's the guy all right so look, this shows you what they cropped it off but what this picture on the right said Philadelphia Antifa website so here they are earlier today same guys okay.

GENE BAILEY: ...Why are we showing you these pictures?  Because I want you to understand what we're telling you isn't just a thought, it isn't just what we want it to be, this is the Truth, all right.  You need to  know and you need to be able to talk about it, all right...

MIKE LINDELL: ...I was in the front row with General Flynn. After we had this amazing Rally, you know, I was able to walk right through the crowd, take pictures, and I'm telling you my family was up at the capitol, they went all the way up there. The people that climbed those walls were 100 percent not Trump supporters. They were combat, they climbed up the wall and then pulled people up the walls so it was a set up. It was almost, you know, just pre-planned. It was a setup and they timed it perfectly. And by the way, those guys got there before the Rally. Before we had marched down there they were already there, I don't think that they were even part of it. If you had cameras and track back those people I guarantee you that they weren't even at the Rally, they were already by the Capitol and ready to do this as the march got there.

I'll tell you one thing that's going on and I'm going to give everybody some hope here. Those two senate seats that they stole yesterday all eyes were on them. Now we've got more evidence, more of this stuff went to Pakistan and went overseas to other countries, China, where their votes went over again and they said, "You know this attack is on our Nation".  With that happening, even if we would have won them both, they already have plans where they're going to take just corrupt senators that are going to flip and they were going to take the Country anyway. So by taking the two at least we have more evidence and now there should be a sense of urgency of all these senators and all these congressmen that are sitting in there telling the evidence to the Vice President.  

Now, I bet my twitter, my Facebook, everything is blown up, my text messages, that Vice President turned on the President. No, what Pence is saying is that he's just not going to do what he could do, but he's going to follow the procedure.  He is going to have to give a 10-day, I really pray, and I think everybody needs to pray that he delays for 10 days and signs a committee like Rudy suggested. That he assigns a committee to show all the evidence. You know that they can look at all the evidence on what should be done. It should be on national TV, but kind of like the OJ trial, here's the evidence if we show everybody. Once you see what I have seen, even the people on the left are going to go, wow Donald Trump really won, I don't like him but he really won. The truth is going to set us free. Mark my words god's got his hand in all of this and Donald Trump's our President for the next four years.


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