Saturday, November 20, 2010

Letting the Life of the Holy Spirit Bring Faith's Works Alive in You!

In I Corinthians 4:20, Paul is speaking to the Corinthian Church who were puffed up, bloated with pride and says, For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.

Paul then gives three illustrations of putting things in perspective as a church.

1. You are God's field: True spiritual growth requires God's Word. Diligently study this book and allow the truth to change the way you live. Turn from sinful behavior. Agree with God; acknowledge your sin, and ask Jesus to cleanse you. Glorify God in your body and in your spirit. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not give yourself to immorality or sin of any kind. By the power of the Holy Spirit, walk away from it. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Only by the Holy Spirit can you understand the deep things and ways of God. Let God's unconditional love permeate your attitudes, motives, thoughts, words, and actions. Understand that love authenticates spiritual gifts. Remain steadfast, unwavering in your dedication to the work of the Lord.

2. You are God's building: The church has been given a responsibility to forward the Kingdom of God by working together in planting, watering, and then God gives the increase. Fully support and honor those who serve for the sake of the gospel. Give financially and in other ways that will support those who lead. Understand that the church is the New Testament temple of God. Do nothing that will tear down the body, but build on the foundation of Christ Jesus. His Spirit dwells in the corporate body, which is composed of many members in whom the Spirit also dwells. In corporate worship, only exercise spiritual gifts in ways that build up the whole body of Christ. Seek to use your spiritual gifts to build up the church and glorify Jesus.

3. You are stewards: Put your confidence in Jesus, who has sanctified you. Live your calling as a sanctified one, living daily in His holiness. Find true wisdom, power, and holiness in Jesus. Reject living in your own wisdom and ability. Boldly preach Christ and Him crucified. This is the simple gospel. Make room for the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and power when you speak and preach. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God's most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. Do all things for the glory of God.

Instruction in godly living is as vitally important today as it was to the church in Corinth. Because human nature remains the same, we find ourselves facing the same issues and needing the same instruction as the Corinthians did. Our source of power for godly living remains in the Cross and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The motive for our godliness continues to be love, and our goal to glorify God.

God's present reign in Christ through the lives of believers is backed up by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit, which carries a moral authority that we as disciples by faith can use if necessary. Faith enables us to believe and receive all God has for us as Christians. By faith, walk in the fullness of the gifts and power of the Spirit. By faith, proclaim God's Word without reservation. By faith, dedicate yourself to the work of the Lord. Recognize that kingdom ministry includes signs, wonders, and miracles that demonstrate the power of God.

Kingdom of God: God's present reign in Christ through the lives of believers is backed up by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit, which carries a moral authority that we can use if necessary.

-Debi Webster Personal Study from The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible-

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