Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Praying for Others

Loving our family members, friends, and others means caring about what they are going through. You cannot always fix their problems or pull them away from bad decisions, but you can always pray for them and show them understanding. It is easy to become frustrated by the problems and needs of your family and of others, especially when you may be overwhelmed with your own needs. Before you turn away from the problems of others as just one more drain on your time, energy, or finances, ask God why He has put you in the situation of being informed of those problems.

Proverbs 24:11-12 (MSG)

11-12 Rescue the perishing;
don't hesitate to step in and help.
If you say, "Hey, that's none of my business,"
will that get you off the hook?
Someone is watching you closely, you know—
Someone not impressed with weak excuses.

Jude 1:23 (Amplified)
23[Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire.

According to these verses it certainly appears that there won't be any excuses you are capable of coming up with that will excuse a lack of your own accountability when God says, "What did you do to help with that lamb's struggles?" Or worse yet, "What did you do to prevent that lamb's death sentence?"-Binding and Loosing Prayer Manual by Liberty Savard-

Reverend Liberty S. Savard, President of Liberty Savard Ministries, Inc. (a non-profit corporation), was born again in 1972. She is an ordained minister with credentials from the Evangelical Church Alliance (P.O. Box 9, Bradley, Illinois 60915). Rev. Savard has served as a singles director, associate pastor, speaker, and Bible teacher. She is the author of Shattering Your Strongholds (1993 Bridge-Logos Pub.), Breaking the Power (1997 Bridge-Logos Pub.), Producing the Promise (1999 Bridge-Logos Pub.), and several mini-books and workbooks. With The Unsurrendered Soul (2002 Bridge-Logos Pub.), Apples of Gold in Baskets of Silver (2003 Bridge-Logos Pub.), and BEYOND Shattered Strongholds (2005 Bridge-Logos Pub.), she now has 14 books in print around the world.

Liberty believes the Scriptures are inspired of God, infallible, and fully authoritative for Christian faith and conduct. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life on Earth, died on the cross in a substitutionary work of redemption for mankind, rose again and now sits at the right hand of the Father. Through Christ’s shed blood and renewal of the Holy Ghost, justified by grace through faith, man becomes an heir of God with absolute hope of eternal life.

Liberty teaches:

Christians how to cause their unsurrendered souls (old natures) to surrender to the will and purposes of God.

Christians how to loose emotional baggage from their souls to create room within themselves to receive all God has promised to them for today.

Believers how to get rid of their old “stuff” to fulfill their destinies while walking in knowledge and power to bring glory and honor to God the Father!

God’s people how to pray with the Keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19) to impact things on earth so they come into alignment with God’s already established will in heaven.

To view more books Liberty Savard has published go to this site address:

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